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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T22DV03469
Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
06/16/2022 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | Communication called that T.F.D. on site with a building fire. Arrived and the units were still on site and were checking for hot spots. The fire was in the attic in the rear of the building where the vent for the water heater was going through the roof. The insulation was checked in the area and in the dinning area. The flooring has standing water and no structual damage. The gas and the electrical was removed at the meter due to the damage from checking for the fire. Has a dropped ceiling and tiles and the metal grid has been damaged. Health Department came to the site and left the paperwork in the same area on the counter top. The ceiling was damaged in the kitchen area and some of the grid system was pulled down. The worker and some customers were inside when they saw smoke and called the fire in. RV. |