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Permit: T22CM06651

Parcel: 134220010



Inspection Status: Not Ready

Inspection History: COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground 

Permit Number - T22CM06651

Inspection Description - COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground 

Inspection Status - Not Ready

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/26/2022 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Not Ready
01/02/2025 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Passed
09/18/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass Field 7.
10/02/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/2/24: trench east of soccer field A AND B from pole box 1 to pole box 2 okay to backfill.
10/08/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/8/24: S5,s4,A8 TRENCH okay to backfill south of soccer field B trench for A5 okay to back fill from pull box east of light post.
10/09/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass 10/9/24: pullbox 2 to transformer south of baseball field 1
10/22/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass trenching underground next to Dog park and Multipurpose field.
11/07/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass Little league field.
11/19/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass Conduits in place at New location for transformers primaries and secondaries. Okay to backfill progress areas. 11/19/2024
11/22/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass Area by dog park and swimming pool.
12/17/2024 COT - LCEL - Electrical Underground  Partial Pass Light poles