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Permit: T22CM03725

Parcel: 11619175C

Inspection Status: Not Ready

Inspection History: COT - FCON - Fire - Final

Permit Number - T22CM03725

Inspection Description - COT - FCON - Fire - Final

Inspection Status - Not Ready

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready
01/08/2025 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass Ok for TCO level 4 for first floor.
07/16/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass Water flow, Tamper, Backflow, Elevator Report, Exposed wires in corridor, Concealed sprinkler covers painted to ceiling, painted heads in 7408
08/02/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass This property has been placed on fire watch. OK for TCO level 4 Building #7 units 7401, 7402, 7403, 7404, 7405, 7406 only.
08/15/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass 4th floor units approved, still need smoke detectors in boiler room and storage closet and CO detector in boiler room on 4th floor. Ok for TCO level 4 units 7407-7413. Property remains on fire watch.
08/16/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass This property is still on fire watch and will be until completed. OK to obtain a TCO level 4 for the 3rd floor.
09/10/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass North/East exit door does not latch when closed, Smoke detectors need to be added to the storage rooms on the 2nd floor, Sprinkler final for 2nd floor still needs to be done.
01/29/2025 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Passed
07/17/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Re-inspection required Fire alarm repaired, 4th floor elevator lobby exit sign out, light blocking sprinkler head needs to be removed, painted heads in tenant spaces, east stairwell EM lights out, west stairwell old EM lights removed or working. Elevator report.
06/28/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Re-inspection required (with fee)
COT - FCON - Fire - Final Not Ready I could not get in touch with the contracter.
10/03/2024 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Partial Pass Old not in use fire alarm equipment needs to be removed. Knox box for building 8 to access FACP, FACP sign