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Permit: T22CM03725

Parcel: 11619175C

Inspection Status: Partial Pass

Inspection History: COT - HCBU - Building Final 

Permit Number - T22CM03725

Inspection Description - COT - HCBU - Building Final 

Inspection Status - Partial Pass

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/09/2025 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass
01/23/2025 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Passed
06/27/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass Level #4, units 7401 - 7412.
07/15/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass Level,#4, Units 7401 - 7412. Ok to apply for TCO for room occupancy.

Level #2, room units for mechanical, electric, plumbing to sheet rock one side of room units.
07/29/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Re-inspection required 7/29/24: water hammer arrestor at dishwasher and laundry, receptacles ,missing at kitchen and exterior, GFCI required at dishwasher, anti-tip at kitchen. All units on level 4, Covers at exterior boxes must be proper sized covers. Sub panel painted shut, screw down threshold, throughout all units
08/01/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass 7/29/24: water hammer arrestor at dishwasher and laundry, receptacles ,missing at kitchen and exterior, GFCI required at dishwasher, anti-tip at kitchen. All units on level 4, Covers at exterior boxes must be proper sized covers. Sub panel painted shut, screw down threshold, throughout all units
8/1/24: ok for Level 4 TCO for units 7401,7402,7403,7404,7405,7406. These units meet the requirements for egress.
08/13/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass Levels #3 and #4; Ok to make application for TCO 4 for room units :7301 - 7313, 7407 - 7413.
09/18/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass Level #2, room units and corridors.
10/03/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Partial Pass Interior of building is complete: need to complete DP at trash enclosure and ingress path from parking lot to building porch areas (West side)
11/25/2024 COT - HCBU - Building Final  Not Ready Contractor cancelled. Sewer back-up in unit 7105.