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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T21DV08481
Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
12/01/2021 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | The office called that T.F.D. and T.P.D. on site with a vehicle into the building. Arrived and the fire unit left the site and T.P.D. C.S.O. was still on site. The vehicle was removed and left the site. This area has been hit before and this has more movement in the wall and has damage up to the cold joint from the corner of the entrance. The damage is on the return to the window store front with some cracking in the mortar joints. The damage is approx. 15 l.f. x 10' high with the return 4l.f. x 10' high. The impact has a circle where pushed into the building. The interior has drywall that was damage and was on furring strips with insulation. The damage is to a room where the vault is to view what is pulled out of the vault. Has 2-rooms and one closest to the exterior wall has most of the damage. The ceiling is a drop ceiling with acoustic tile on a metal frame. Some of the tiles are pushed into the metal frame. The room has doors and they are able to open and close with the margin not even. The bank will be able to remain open and the manager stated that the room with the damage will be closed to not be used. The exterior block is secured enough to not cover the damaged area with plywood. The bank will call for security for night time security. The manager on site signed the paperwork. Has some cracking in the lobby area near the ceiling near the entrance. RV. |