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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T21DV00122
Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
01/19/2022 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | Approved | The permit has been issued, T21CM02589 on 4-6-21 and finaled on 6-2-21 and the unit has been rented out with no complaints on the unit. Will be closing the case at this time. Violation Abated, Close Case. RV. | |
01/08/2021 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | Approved | Was called back to the site and the unit was burned in the front room and burned the entry door and the front window. The other areas had heavy smoke damage. The tenant was being removed with the medical examiners. The manager signed the paperwork on site and will be securing the site. The wood framing appears to not be damaged due to the drywall is still intact and has been burned. All the contents have been burned or has smoke damage or wet by the water from the water used to fight the fire. The bottom unit was affected by the water soaking through the floor. The electrical will remain off including unit #137 which is below the unit. The maintenance will be boarding up the window and the door openings. Did leave the posting to be posted of Do Not Enter when the plywood is placed by the managment. RV. |