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Permit: T20OT00423

Parcel: 11623063C



Inspection Status: Not Ready

Inspection History: COT - ENGR - Signage Final

Permit Number - T20OT00423

Inspection Description - COT - ENGR - Signage Final

Inspection Status - Not Ready

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/27/2022 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Not Ready
06/17/2020 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Hthrall1 Approved Entered by HTHRALL1 - Revision received 6/16/2020 - reviewed 06/17/2020 - approved. NOTE: SVT dimension altered via TSMR case DS20-02. This means the site wall will be able to remain as shown on plans, and the painted sign will be on that area of the wall originally within the traditional SVT, now outside the new SVT. Those TSMR diagrams and copy of application provided to contractor to include in sign package to show the overall circumstances.
06/15/2020 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Hthrall Partial Approval Entered by HTHRALL1 - RE: low-profile sign permit review For: 960 S Freeway / Tuxon (hotel) - 19th St frontage Sign Permit: T20OT00423 Reviewer: H. Thrall Date: 06/15/2020 Status: Partial Approval 1) Please note on the plan set: A) on sheet 3 - add this specific note: "see TSMR Case DS 20-02 - SVTdimension altered" B) Sheet 2: Provide dimension under the sign showing the lettering is 2' vertical above grade - the full length of the sign. C) Sheet 2 and Sheet 3: revise note at top of each sheet to indicate this is a "painted, freestanding low-profile sign" 2) Provide new permit application with dimensions / sign area/ height / 14' setback for this "LP" type sign. Send revisions to Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov