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Permit: T20OT00363

Parcel: 10821328B



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW

Permit Number - T20OT00363

Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/10/2020 SIGN SITE REVIEW Approved SDRC case MSP 20-008 / T20SA00205 was approved with appeal date of Director's Notice of Decision up 08/07/2020.
07/15/2020 SIGN SITE REVIEW Continued SDRC for:
A) 2nd freestanding sign on Campbell - a scenic route with less than 850' of linear frontage,
B) and for sign area to exceed 60 square feet of a low-profile sign (at 63.86 square feet)
C) and exceed 35 square feet for a freestanding sign in 30' deep scenic buffer (comprised mainly of parking and a screen wall)

(this sign is existing on Campbell - but is within the parking lot. It is to be relocated closer to Campbell and maintain appearance - non-lit - to match existing sign on River).
06/25/2020 SIGN SITE REVIEW Continued Resubmitted documents received for review - plan set and SDRC applications.

Sent contractor these insructions on 6/25:

On permit application - revise dimensions to match sheet 3 of plans and sign area to 63.86 sqft. (cabinet)

On plans set - remove pages: 9-21 from this set - toss all those pages except 9,10, 19 and 20 (see below what to do with those 4 pages).

on sheet 3, show how cabinet is attached to support pole / how aluminum skirt is attached to cabinet/support pole (i.e. bolts - sizes, saddles top/bottom of cabinet)

3, call out sign area of cabinet 63.86 sqft

5, please add the setback from Campbell Ave street curb to the leading edge of the sign cabinet (setback to be shown for general sign code criteria)

5, please add the setback from the property line along Campbell to the leading edge of the sign cabinet (needed to see for scenic buffer setback)

8, please dimension the lengths of the Campbell property line to River, and then along River to Campbell (use the PC Assr maps - zoom in on dimensions)

sheet 6, and 8 - show street names for Campbell and River

7, revise engineering to reflect 118 square foot sign structure (8 tall x 14.75' long cabinet) - check footer / pipe if needed, adjust on sheet 3

On SSDO supplemental application - please move pages 9, 10 and 19, 20 from the plans and add them here to this application set (PC Assr owner sheet and map for 2 parcels)

On SSDO app - ownership permission needed from corner parcel 1890 E River, Parcel #10818717B Owner: RIVER CAMPBELL LLC - it's all one center with common driveways.
05/12/2020 SIGN SITE REVIEW Continued RE: sign permit review
For: relocate / new freestanding sign - Campbell Ave frontage
AT: 1860 E River / Cambric Center (Scenic Route / Scenic District)
Permit: T20OT00363
Reviewer: H. Thrall
Date: 5/12/2020

Codes: Unified Development Code (UDC) - 7A Sign Standards, National Electrical Code (NEC 600), Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code (IBC) 2018.

1. The property is located along River Road and Campbell Avenue - both Scenic Routes per the City of Tucson Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) map. The applicable sign district is the Scenic Corridor Zone District - UDC 7A.11.3.

2) Staff conducted a review based on the partial site plan provided and code knowledge, as well as google maps, and a site inspection conducted 5/11/2020.
Further information is required to provide complete review comments of this proposal to relocate the existing sign cabinet to a new base and closer to Campbell Avenue.
** Sign Design Review Committee review is required for this proposal to proceed, as several criteria within the Scenic Corridor District are shown in variation to the code. Review comments are provided preliminarily at this time, with asterisks to denote areas of variation.**

2) Provide an overall plan of the center with locations of all existing freestanding signs (including those on the site walls) and driveways (aerial acceptable, not required to scale to show sign inventory). Staff found four freestanding signs total - 2 per street front. To have two signs per street front exceeds Scenic District allowances for frontage of less than 850' linear feet (based on measuring using city maps).
A) To remove a sign and install it again on the same site with a new base is classified as a new sign review.
B) ** An SDRC review is required to exceed the allowed number of freestanding signs along Campbell Avenue, to have 2 signs for a premise with less than 850' linear feet of street frontage. (UDC 7A.11.3.E.3.a.1) **

3) Campbell Avenue is a Scenic Route along this property, and while the property may be nonconforming for scenic buffer landscape 30' deep into the property, as measured from the property line, the sign must be setback certain distance from property line. Based on the proposed height of the new sign base and cabinet at 8', the minimum setback from the property line is 5.5' feet.
A) **The sign appears to be at the proprety line, at the front of the buffer, requiring SDRC review for request to reduce setbacks. (UDC 7A.11.3.E.3.d.1.)**

4. Provide site plan with detail of proximity of sign to any adjacent driveways, (with associated sight visibility triangles), property lines and dimensioned setbacks from both the curb and from property line for further review comments. Show any easements.

5. Existing sign cabinet is non-conforming, and was built in Pima County prior to Annexation of the center. This sign is over sign area and allowed height per current code. To examine a conflict with record and with data provided on the plan set, a site inspection 5/11/2020 shows the cabinet dimensions are 4.33 x 14.75 = 63.86 square feet sign area.

A) Revise the permit application and the diagram to reflect these measurements (in the decimal feet format, please) and the sign area.

B) ** SDRC review is required to exceed the 60 square foot maximum size of a low -profile sign by 3.86 square feet. (UDC 7A.10.2.C., general criteria.)**

C) **SDRC review is required to exceed the 35 square foot maximum size of a freestanding sign allowed within the Scenic Buffer (UDC 7A.11.3.E.3.b.2.)**

6. Signs within the scenic buffer may emit light only through characters / letters. Provide a night view showing how this sign cabinet will be modified to meet that criteria. (UDC 7A.11.3.E.3.f.)

7. Provide dimensions on either side of the sign to show an 18" separation away from parking spaces on either side (UDC

8. Revise permit application to list "LP" as sign type (low-profile).

9. Provide diagram that shows the new base for the sign, and the design materials labeled, and basic construction assembly.

10. Provide location of shut off switch in diagram, and provide standard side diagram for the sign. (NEC 600 / OLC 4/5)

11. Specify location of timer for inspections (OLC 4.)

12. Specify how power will be provided to the sign (note, separate electrical permit required - power by others, if applicable).

13. Specify location of circuit breaker for the sign (NEC 600) for inspections.

14. Contractor provided with Sign Design Review Committee (SDRC) applications. Please review the design criteria of 7A.7.1.E and design criteria specific to freestanding signs - as well as all of the findngs of 7A..7.1.G. These aspects are important for legibility and for design consistent with the buildings on site at existing freestanding signs.

Additional comments may be forthcoming. Please send revisions to Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov