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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Continued
Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW
Permit Number - T20OT00107
Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW
Inspection Status - Continued
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
02/28/2020 | SIGN SITE REVIEW | Continued | Revision received 2/27/2020 | |
02/28/2020 | SIGN SITE REVIEW | Approved | Per electrical reviewer: Dan Santa Cruz, provide sticker on sign for all electrical operating requirements. | |
02/07/2020 | SIGN SITE REVIEW | Continued | Revision received - this submittal shows monument sign for the sole use of the on site user. | |
02/07/2020 | SIGN SITE REVIEW | Continued | RE: multi-tenant panel monument sign review AT: 3901 E 22nd St / parcel 126-18-111C -Dutch Brother's Coffee Permit number: T20OT00107 Reviewer: H. Thrall Date: 2/07/2020 Codes: National Electric Code (NEC) 600, International Building Code 2018 (IBC), Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), Sign Standards 1) Revised plans and application submitted for a new monument sign placed along Alvernon, for the sole use of the on-site user, Dutch Brother's Coffee - land is an idividual premise. 2) Revise permit application to: A) show the street frontage of the property along Alvernon. B) show the type of sign as a monument Revise plan set: E) Electrical: A) show shut off switch B) clarify where dedicated circuit panel is located C) States fluorescent lamps - ballasts or electric chip? LED meant? D) provide note if power to sign run by others, note that separate electrical permit required E) provide location of timer (acknowledge timer note, need location noted for inspection) 4) RE: construction: A) Provide detail for mounting sign framework to support post. (i.e. size, number, location of bolts, etc,. B) Indicate materials sign structure made out of. C) Label material below sign panel face. 5) Remove note about "white (blank) legxan tenant faces, this is a single user, on site sign only. 6) As the full plan and notes are not shown, provide note sign is not to be located within any easements. 7) Show location of other freestanding sign(s) on site. (not menu boards, just along streets). email revisions to Heather.Thrallo@tucsonaz.gov |
01/29/2020 | SIGN SITE REVIEW | Denied | RE: multi-tenant panel monument sign review AT: 3901 E 22nd St / parcel 126-18-111C -Dutch Brother's Coffee Permit number: T20OT00107 Reviewer: H. Thrall Date: 1/29/2020 Review status: Denied - requires redesign prior to resubmittal 1) The proposal shows a multi-tenant panel (4 panels) monument sign for placement along Alvernon Way at the Dutch Brother's Coffee site. The site is developed with one use, Dutch Brother's Coffee. Per Development Plan DP19-0121 and lot split plan S19-043, the Dutch Brother's Coffee site is not affiliated with any other property or other uses, and it is not part of any shopping center. (Also see that the site conditions and plans show a concrete curb along the east property boundary.) Placement of a multi-tenant panel sign on this property infers unauthorized use by off-site users, which renders the sign to be a prohibited off-site sign/billboard. For further review, redesign the sign for the sole use of the onsite establishment (Dutch Brothers) and submit revised plans. See the following code sections pertaining to off-site signs and their criteria: definitions, sign height measured by freeway travel lane grade (UDC 7A.6.5.B.) and 7A.10.2., billboards permitted in certain zones - not including C-1 zone, such as this property - and only on undeveloped land only. Should you have any questions, please contact Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov |