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Case: T20DV05264

Parcel: 10612144A

Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up

Case Number - T20DV05264

Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/01/2022 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up Passed {Activity date: 03/01/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: GONZALEZ; Comment: Entered by GONZALEZ - 3335 N FLOWING WELLS:
} ; {Activity date: 01/24/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: MORALES; Comment: Entered by MORALES - ON SITE AT PROPERTY. UNIT #11 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PROPERTY. THE OTHER UNITS IN THE CITATION ARE STILL IN VIOLATIONS.} ; {Activity date: 10/15/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: GONZALEZ; Comment: Entered by GONZALEZ - COURT INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS:
3333 and 3335 N. Flowing Wells Court Inspection notes:
10/15/2021 @9:17 Upon arrival as every inspection, inspector stops at the front office and advise of inspection. (Mobile Home community is master metered, City is unable to disconnect power to multiple condemned units inside the community without affecting others.) There has been over 200 calls for service requesting Tucson Police to assist in the mobile home community since June 2018. This property has been identified as a V.A.N.S. property. Planning and Development Services is requiring engineering on all modified and compromised mobiles per the Building Official.

3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 1: August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need of repair or demolished under permits and posted unfit to occupy. May 12th 2021 there is evidence of person occupying the condemned home. 10/15/2021 Condemned mobile home is being occupied.
Charge A: Roof covering compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.
10/15/2021 Inspection: Mobile Home has been remodeled without permits, or inspections by the City of Tucson. The roof and mobile home layout has been modified from its original state. Photos in packet show before and after modifications that included added weight of the roof load to the mobile home. Exterior window and door modifications affecting ingress and egress, unknown structural manipulation of proper support wood members and required mounting hardware.
Charge B: Roof assembly has been altered and modified without permits or inspections from the City of Tucson. This adding more weight to an existing engineered mobile home.
Charge C: Structural supporting walls and floor plan has been altered and modified without permits or inspections from the City of Tucson.
Charge D: Electrical Conductors has been altered and modified without permits or inspections form the City of Tucson with the change on the exterior walls, exterior light fixtures and its energizing conductors has been eliminated in one area and other at another area been added. Inspections and permits are required due to approving the size of the conductors energizing the added fixtures and appropriate measures has taken place when eliminating conductors and devices.
3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 3:
August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need of repair or demolished under permits and posted unfit to occupy.
Charge A: Roof covering compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.
10/15/2021 Mobile home remains in the same state of disrepair.
Charge B: Windows are currently boarded from the interior since August 2020 exceeding the 180 days.
Charge C: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.

3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 4:
August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need of repair or demolished under permits and posted unfit to occupy.
Charge A: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.
Charge B: Windows continue to be boarded, 10/15/2021 unit is being prepared to be painted by maintenance unknown if kitchen window that is currently board if the rotted wall members has been repaired and replaced. There are no permits that has been applied for any repairs at this unit.
Charge C: Currently the unit is secured via corrugated steel panels.
Charge D: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired. Corner of the unit siding is loose not providing weather tight protection.

3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 6:
August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need of repair or demolished under permits and posted unfit to occupy.
Charge A: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.
Charge B: Windows/ doors continue to be boarded since August 2020 exceeding 180 days
Charge C: Currently the unit is secured via corrugated steel panels and plywood.
Charge D: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.

3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 7:
August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need of repair or demolished under permits and posted unfit to occupy.
Charge A: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired. Day light is penetrating the unit's roof area.
Charge B: Currently a window opening is compromised, notice and order has been issued to management for securement within 24 hours.
Charge C: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired. Day light is penetrating the unit's roof area.

3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 11:
August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need of repair or demolished under permits and posted unfit to occupy.
Charge A: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired.
Charge B: Windows/ doors continue to be boarded since August 2020 exceeding 180 days
Charge C: Currently the unit is secured via plywood.
Charge D: Roof covering and non-weather tight openings compromised allowing the weather to penetrate the exterior and interior walls causing dilapidation to load supporting wood members. Supporting walls were unstable to the touch and its integrity were impaired. The unit has been and continues to be supported by concrete filled containers in a non-code complaint manner.

3335 N. Flowing Wells Rd Unit 17:
August 4th 2020 Unit was identified of need o