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Case: T20DV00841

Parcel: 11504500C



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T20DV00841

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/05/2020 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Communication called that T.F.D. and T.P.D. on site with a car into building. Arrived and all the units have cleared the site. Did find people waiting outside who live in the building and showed where the vehicle hit the building on the northeast corner of the building. The vehicle hit a fire hydrant, 2-metal benches and than hit the building. The damage was to the store front of an office space, the entry door has been pushed into the lobby area and a window has been broken on one space of glass to another office space. There is a concrete column that was hit and has not damage. The metal frame for the glass has been knocked down from floor to ceiling area. Had a 6' x 13" high facing Speedway Blvd and a 3' x 13' facing Tyndall Ave. No one on site was able to secure the opening and called Arcaiden Industries to the site to have the opening secured. The glass was tempered and all shattered where the vehicle hit the building. The maintenance supervisor came to the site and help clean the area. He did block off the area on the interior of the lobby to prevent entry into the office that were damaged. The entry door was screwed shut due to being jambed into the frame.