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Case: T19DV09160

Parcel: 11921053H


1502 W AJO WY #701

Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T19DV09160

Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/07/2020 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved The tenant called and still has no heat. Did go to the management and they made the need repairs while on site. The heating unit had no breaker or the heating element. They were replaced and the unit was working. At this time the case will be closed. Violation Abated, Close Case. RV.
12/19/2019 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved The bill has been paid for and waiting for the electrical to be turned back on. The tenant will be allowed to remain in the unit. RV.
12/17/2019 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Went to the site to check the progress of the heating being fixed and the electrical has been removed due to lack of payment. Did talk to the tenant and had the unit vacated due to not able to make the payment to have the electrical turned back on. Did to the posting of Do Not Enter on the front window and the sister left the site at that time. Went to the office and left the papaerwork in the office and let them know that no one can stay in the unit at this time until the electrical has been turned back on. RV.
12/16/2019 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Went to the site to check the progress and the unit was with out electrical due to lack of payment. Did call the tenant and will try and get the bill paid for to get the power back on. Not able to check the unit due to lacking electrical to the unit. Will check tomorrow. RV.