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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T19DV00221
Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
01/15/2019 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | Approved | CLOSE CASE | |
01/14/2019 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | Approved | T.E.P. called that they are on site with a cord running to space #23. Arrived and the cord has been removed and the mobile home has no electrical due to no meter and the pedistal was replaced. The permit has been finaled and waiting for the tenant to make a past due payment and than sign up for the power to be turned back on. The tenant has no money to make the payment and gave names to call or go see for assistance on the payment. The tenant was given until 4:00 PM to get the power back on and will return to check on the status. The tenant was advised that if the power is not on that the mobile home will be secured by the City of Tucson. RV. | |
01/14/2019 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | Approved | Did meet with the tenant and they have no power at this time. She has no agency that has commited to giving assistance to make the payment. Did let the tenant know that she needs to grab what she needs and find a place to stay. She does have someone else in the mobile home and has a hard time moving around. The posting of Do Not Enter was still on the front window and she has been served the N.O.V. by another inspector on Thursday. Once she grab her items, the mobile home was locked with a city lock. RV. |