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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Permit Number - T19CM09398
Inspection Description - ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
10/05/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Approved | Approved. The TEP clearance code is INCR. This is the third and last parallel feed from the transformer to SES #1. | |
09/28/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | Partial, UPS1-UPS2 inspected, interception and connection to transformer secondary conduit for new service entrance ok to encase and backfill. | |
08/13/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | Partial for 1200A ATS 1 equipment | |
07/23/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | pa SES1 to ATS2 to MDP1 - ok |
07/09/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | Partial, Inspection for Secondary conductors from Existing Transformer to New SES for equipment re-distribution. Verbal Clearance sent to TEP for INCR. Note: 2 of 3 parallel feeds pulled into SES, future shutdown will take place and 3rd parallel feed will be pulled at a later date. | |
07/08/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | Partial, Inspection for following equipment complete. (1200AMP SES, ATS1, MDP1, T1, DT1) raceways and conductors installed per plan. Clearance will be given once access is given by TEP and Primary conductors are terminated in SES. | |
05/18/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | Partial approval for standby generator connections to PDU Partial approval for standby generator connections to PDU |
05/12/2021 | ELECTRIC - SERVICE UPGRADE | Partial Approval | Partial, Inspection for reconnect of service entrance after existing secondary removal from Transformer to transfer switch. Verbal Clearance sent to TEP RECN @4:15AM no alterations to service at this time. |