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Permit: T19CM06689

Parcel: 13216600A


4004 S PARK AV 02

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND

Permit Number - T19CM06689

Inspection Description - ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/30/2020 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Approved
11/07/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Partial Approval 1- Underground electric conduits are okay to cover from AC disconnect to pull box and from pull box to SES and from pull box to the curb towards Canopy A only.
11/06/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Cancelled Canceled by contractor
11/01/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Partial Approval 1- Underground electric conduits are okay to cover from the island curb North to the first pull box only.
10/30/2019 ELECTRIC - UNDERGROUND Partial Approval 1- Underground electric conduits from Canopy C to B and up to the island curb is okay to cover