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Permit: T19CM04398

Parcel: 141365280

Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: RSME - Mechanical Progress 

Permit Number - T19CM04398

Inspection Description - RSME - Mechanical Progress 

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/18/2019 RSME - Mechanical Progress  DMUNIZ Approved Entered by DMERANZ1 - All corrections have been made, ok to proceed.
11/15/2019 RSME - Mechanical Progress  MRAMBER Denied Entered by DMERANZ1 - UFER Not properly attached. Anchor bolts missing at garage opening. Provide minimum clearance from B vent to combustibles. Duct branch fittings and Plenum’s not properly insulated. Duct pinched or compressed through trusses. Provide full radius bends at flex duct, choking at boot boxes not acceptable. Bathtub fitting leaking. Condensate piping penetrating top plate not sealed. Condensate piping draining uphill. Exhaust fans missing out laundry. Inspections stopped at this time this is not a complete list.