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Permit: T19CM04002

Parcel: 11803345C



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: PLUMBING - ROUGH, SOIL

Permit Number - T19CM04002

Inspection Description - PLUMBING - ROUGH, SOIL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/21/2019 PLUMBING - ROUGH, SOIL Approved
09/10/2019 PLUMBING - ROUGH, SOIL Cancelled Canceled by contractor, Memo Durazo
07/26/2019 PLUMBING - ROUGH, SOIL Partial Approval corrections were fixed, however it was not retested. I recommended to contractor it should be retested. Section outside footprint of house still needs to be completed and inspected.
07/25/2019 PLUMBING - ROUGH, SOIL Denied 1- Shall locate the vents to the water closets and showers vertical above the trap arms.
2- Retest the system.