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Permit: T19CM00820

Parcel: 12604012F


4414 E 2ND ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: ELECTRIC - FINAL

Permit Number - T19CM00820

Inspection Description - ELECTRIC - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/24/2019 ELECTRIC - FINAL Approved
06/21/2019 ELECTRIC - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Underground electric to be a minimum 18 inches deep, or provide 2 inch concrete encasement.
05/31/2019 ELECTRIC - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Complete all other inspections.
05/20/2019 ELECTRIC - FINAL Correction Required 1-Install exterior lights.
2-Receptacles do not have power, and breaker keeps tripping when reset button is pushed.
3-Box at UG conduit entry appears to be over-filled; please provide calculations for box fill.