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Permit: T19CM00806

Parcel: 11006009A

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: ENGINEERING - FINAL

Permit Number - T19CM00806

Inspection Description - ENGINEERING - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/28/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Approved Approved.
08/26/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Partial Approval Partial approval. Work has been completed on project. Provide certification letter from engineer of record that all grading and drainage and trashing closure has been Installed per approved plans For final.
08/25/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Not ready. Complete all striping for pedestrian pathway from building one to building two and three. Provide certification letter from engineer of Record for all grading and drainage has been installed per approved plans and for trashing closure construction that was never inspected by the city of Tucson.
08/19/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Not ready. Paving and striping contractor canceled.
08/17/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Not ready.Asphalt contractor not able to complete work for inspection.
08/13/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Partial Approval Not ready. Complete all notes and corrections from development package. DP18-0302. Notes. For engineering final.
06/04/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Partial Approval Partial approval. OK forTCO per engineering only. For building one only. Complete remainder of work around building and complete all work on development package DP18-0302.For final.
04/15/2020 ENGINEERING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Talked with GC on phone about changing parking lot layout requirements of revisions approved by city of Tucson.