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Permit: T19CM00806

Parcel: 11006009A

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: BUILDING - FINAL

Permit Number - T19CM00806

Inspection Description - BUILDING - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/31/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Approved Approved
08/26/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Partial Approval Partial. Pending all special condition inspections.
08/25/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Cancelled Cancelled by contractor. Will reschedule
08/19/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Cancelled Inspection canceled
08/17/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Not ready
08/13/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Not ready no call back from contractor
06/15/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Partial Approval Partial. Pending other inspections and certifications.
06/05/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Partial Approval Partial. Ok for TCO pending water report.
06/02/2020 BUILDING - FINAL Partial Approval Partial. Pending other inspections, water chlorination report required for TCO.