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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T18DV06479
Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
10/06/2018 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | Communication called that T.F.D. on site with a house fire. Arrived and all the units have cleared. The owner of the property was on site and was in the process of moving items out of the house. The fire was in the kitchen area and trash and debris has burned. The drywall was pulled down on the ceiling to check for fire getting into the attic. The doors on front and back were forced opened to gain entry to get into the house and damaged to not able to lock. Some windows were broken to vent for the smoke through out. The house was vacant and unsecured. The house was being used to store items and was not being lived in. The owner was on site and signed the paperwork and stating that they will secure the house once completed taking items out that they want removed. The have a rented truck being packed with the items. No utilities were on at the time of he fire. Will check the site tomorrow if secured. RV. |