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Case: T18DV06011

Parcel: 13812005A


5754 S 6TH AV

Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T18DV06011

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/21/2018 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved The water was removed on 9-19-18. The meter is in the front of the property and is together with the house in front. The meter is shared and off for lack of payment. The mobile home is in the rear of the house and not able to have water with out the meter being on in front of the property due to shared. No one was on site and called to find a phone number and was able to find the number to the brother. Did call and he came to the site. The brother is moving out and still in the process of moving the items out. Did go over on the property needing to be cleaned up. The brother was going to clean his side before moving out completely. The owner did show to the property and signed the paperwork while on site. The brother was going to lock the mobile home when done getting some items out. Did do the posting of Do Not Enter on the front window and the owner took the copies of the paperwork. RV.