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Permit: T18CM05552

Parcel: 140420740



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T18CM05552

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/28/2018 FIRE - FINAL Approved
12/27/2018 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval 1. Tested all new devices and horn/strobes. All passed.
2. Verification of signals to panel passed.
3. Still need to change out horn/strobes in restroom to strobe only.
4. Fire Extinguisher in holding room needs new cabinet or mount.
5. Double doors leading to Customs needs to release on Fire Alarm Activation.
12/20/2018 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval Ticket counter doors need to have emergency lights added
TSA Secure side needs to have emergency lights added
Holding/waiting area side door needs to have emergency light operational
Holding area needs to have a fire extinguisher installed
All ceiling tiles need to be in place