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Permit: T17RW01625

Parcel: 127042770


4949 E 5TH ST

Inspection Status: Closed

Inspection History: TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect

Permit Number - T17RW01625

Inspection Description - TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect

Inspection Status - Closed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/15/2019 TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect Closed Permit can be closed and work has been completed and the existing pole will be removed under the annual permit.
10/16/2018 TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect Correction Required Old pole topped with utilities attached.
03/07/2018 TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect Continued New TEP pole in place, old pole still in place.
02/14/2018 TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect Continued New TEP pole has been replaced, old pole still in place.
06/21/2017 TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect Continued new poles are in place and no repairs are needed. Old poles are still up and topped. permit will be closed because TEP never removes old poles because cable and phone are still connected.