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Case: T17DV05498

Parcel: 125111510


3827 E 3RD ST

Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T17DV05498

Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/26/2017 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Plumber has cleared lines to the street.
10/25/2017 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Maintance has cleared the lines to the clean out. There is no back-up issues in the units. A contractor is scheduled for full repair on Thursday.
10/24/2017 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Went back and they were still working and the clean outs were still backed up. Served the maintenance man the Notice of Violation to hire a license contractor to come to the propety to work on clearing the line. Did talk to the manager and they have call a plumber and on his way. Will have the area check if the lines are cleared. RV.