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Permit: T17CM06715

Parcel: 130130580


3775 E 34TH ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T17CM06715

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/15/2018 FIRE - FINAL Approved
06/26/2018 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval 1) needs permits for tamper and flow switches intalled. they need to be tested.
2) annual fire alarm inspection report has deficiencies. need to be corrected.
09/07/2017 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval 1) Install tamper switch.
2) Sprinker coverage in hallway.
3) Need annual sprinkler inspection report.
4) Need annual fire alarm inspection report.
5) Remove or repair exit signs in grow rooms.
6) Correct the swivel position on FDC. Currently has one of the snoots pointing up.