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Permit: T17CM04580

Parcel: 13316033F

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T17CM04580

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/02/2018 FIRE - FINAL Approved Approved by Jeremy Donovan on 12-29-2017 just required a permit. Permit approved 01-02-2018 by JMPD and paid for OK for full C of O
12/29/2017 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval All items complete, need sprinkler plan/permit submitted and approved prior to clearing firre final.
OK for TCO.
12/27/2017 FIRE - FINAL Denied *remove fire alarm devices or bring the fire alarm panel and devices to fuylly functional operation.
*provide knox box for fire department access to riser room and building.
*mount fire extinguishers, test and verify emegency lights/exit.