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Permit: T17CM02460

Parcel: 116300390

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: U VALUE FOR WINDOW

Permit Number - T17CM02460

Inspection Description - U VALUE FOR WINDOW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/23/2019 U VALUE FOR WINDOW Approved
02/15/2019 U VALUE FOR WINDOW Not ready for Inspection Leaving U-value open is due to previous corrections listed under it that still need to be addressed.
01/22/2018 U VALUE FOR WINDOW Partial Approval PROOF OF 1030 NEEDED BEFORE A.P.
12/28/2017 U VALUE FOR WINDOW Denied 1 shim bearing headers 2 install diamond mesh on horizontal surfaces greater than 12" 3 pancake boxes at garage overfilled 4 ground metal box atbreakfast nook 5 bond spa motor 6 provide min 12" from can light to pex in bath 3 7 trap arm in laundry overlength 8 provide gas gauge with 1/10th pound increments 9 provide insulation shield on fireplace vent