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Permit: T17BU00160

Parcel: 141330500



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: POOL/SPA PRE-GUNITE

Permit Number - T17BU00160

Inspection Description - POOL/SPA PRE-GUNITE

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/13/2017 POOL/SPA PRE-GUNITE Approved
05/16/2017 POOL/SPA PRE-GUNITE Partial Approval revised plan shall be on site, cover at your own risk

alo provide pvb cert and freeze protection, secure vacuum breaker
05/11/2017 POOL/SPA PRE-GUNITE Denied 1) Revise site plan to reflect actual dimensions to north, east and south property lines
2) Verify rebar and gunite requirements where close proximity to retaining wall and porch footings exist