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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T16DV04098
Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
07/06/2016 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | Received a call from Rick Saldate the supervisor and has a call for lacking cooling. Arrived and the AC is not working and was turned off at the time of the inspection. Did have the unit turned on and was not blowing air and what was coming out of the vents was hot air. The temperature in the hallway was 85 degrees and the bedrooms were 94 to 96 degrees and the doors were closed to the hallway. Did have 2-fans in the livingroom that belong to the tenant. I did ask how long this has been going on and she stated almost a month. The tenant did state that a new unit is going to be installed but did not when. Was not able to find a manager on site or a maintenance person. The office was closed. Did find a roofer who was working on the buildings on painting the roofs and he gave a phone number to call another person and was not able to make contact. Did go to another property of the same owner and did find an assistant manager and she did call the maintenance man and had a window unit installed in the living room. The window unit was offered at another time and refused due to worried about vandalizm with the unit. At this time due to kids being in the unit, the window unit is being required or will need to move out of the unit. If the adults due want to stay in the unit they can but the kids will have to be removed out of the unit due to the heat. The manager did state that she has bids for replacing the new unit and will set that up soon. The handler in the unit will also be replaced and a permit will be required. Will do N.O.V. RV. |