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Permit: T15OT01006

Parcel: 12110001C


4725 E PIMA ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW

Permit Number - T15OT01006

Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/01/2015 SIGN SITE REVIEW Approved
08/10/2015 SIGN SITE REVIEW Correction Required Records indicate that this site is zoned R-1, the total allowable sign area is 20 sq ft. The site has more then one sign on record. The site is currently over allowable area.

Sec. 3-73. Single family residential district

A. Location: The single family residential district includes all property in the rural residential zones, the RX-1, RX-2, R-1 and MH-1 zones
Maximum total sign area:
1. Nonresidential uses: Twenty (20) square feet of total sign area per street frontage. On buildings having more than one street frontage, the maximum allowable number and square footage of on-site signs are permitted for each street frontage. The maximum allowance, however, is not transferable either in whole or in part from one street frontage to another.

Verify the signs installed on site and if sign on application can be permitted.