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Permit: T15OT00936

Parcel: 130144550


4426 E 22ND ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW

Permit Number - T15OT00936

Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
RECEIVED: 7/13/15
REVIEWED: 8/5/15 by Sign Permit Team

APPLICATION & DRAWING DENIED. A revision is required as per Sign Code 3-16. Revisions required include:

Page 1:
The information required on Page 1 (A) of the drawing must include
1.A scaled image of SIGN (A) showing
a.The scale (ex. SCALE: ½" = 1')
b.width & length of cabinet in "decimal feet" (ex. 3.58') to match application
c.the square footage in "decimal feet" (ex. 24.17 SQ FT) to match application
d.the pole cover and its width & length in "decimal feet"
e.Illustration of the internal steel support (inside the sign drawing)
f.The caisson and its width & length in "decimal feet"
g.Side view of entire sign, cabinet, pole cover , support pole and caisson.
h.OAH decimal feet" (ex. 9.5') to match application
2.A construction/electrical diagram of SIGN (A) showing
a.Construction details
b.Attachment details (number, size and type of anchors/bolts)
c.Type of illumination (ex. LED)
d.Show & indicate the DISCONNECT SWITCH
e.Indicate the AMPS__ VOLTS__ CIRCUITS__
f.Include the following note " 24 Hour programmable times installed
to comply with the COT outdoor lighting code"
3.Each page must show
a. Name of contractor applying for the permit (ex. Addisigns)
b.Must note page number and number of pages submitted. (ex. Page 1 of 6)
Page 2:
The information required on Page 2 (B) of the drawing must include
1.A scaled image of SIGN (B) showing
a.The scale (ex. SCALE: ½" = 1')
b.width & length of cabinet in "decimal feet" (ex. 3.58') to match application
c.the square footage in "decimal feet" (ex. 24.17 SQ FT) to match application
d.the pole cover and its width & length in "decimal feet"
e.Illustration of the internal steel support (inside the sign drawing)
f.The caisson and its width & length in "decimal feet"
g.Side view of entire sign, cabinet, pole cover , support pole and caisson.
h.OAH from curb in decimal feet" (ex. 2.5') to match application
2.A construction/electrical diagram of SIGN (B) showing
a.Construction details
b.Attachment details (number, size and type of anchors/bolts)
c.Type of illumination (ex. LED)
d.Show & indicate the DISCONNECT SWITCH
e.Indicate the AMPS__ VOLTS__ CIRCUITS__
3.Each page must show
a. Name of contractor applying for the permit (ex. Addisigns)
b.Must note page number and number of pages submitted. (ex. Page 1 of 6)
Page 3:
Comments are the same as Page 2 SIGN (B)
Page 4:
Comments are the same as Page 2 SIGN (B)
Page 5:
Comments are the same as Page 2 SIGN (B)

Site Plan: Must include all of the following
1.Must specify what type of PREMISE it is.
2.Please show the SVTs in a different color for future submittals.

Subject to receipt of corrected plans, additional comments may be forth coming.