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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T15DV09650
Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
03/31/2016 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | Approved | Arrived on-site with inspector Goodman. Met with property owner Dean Saxton, who allowed us in to the property to do the inspections. Three structures on the property first the main house, a secondary unit along the west border of the property, and the third structure located on the east side of the property this is the structure we inspected first. Found the East structure to have a library where the homeowners did their studying. Behind it was storage no one living in this structure. Next we moved to the large structure on the north side of the property which was two stories. This dwelling was occupied by 8 ladies, we were allowed to enter each room, found them to be simple bedrooms. Owner already had understanding through inspector Pumphrey that only four occupants is the max however his leases are set to expire at the end of school and he would come into compliance. We then moved into the main house, which was occupied by himself and his wife on the top floor we were allowed to enter. Nothing out of the ordinary seen, and per owners admission just two occupants him and his wife. On the bottom level there were 8 rooms, however at present only four are being rented . We were allowed to enter each room simple bedrooms with nothing out of the ordinary. He also understood the four occupant rules in this structure as well. Found the homeowner very cooperative and accommodating during the inspection process will take information back to office. |