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Case: T15DV08438

Parcel: 10408078C



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T15DV08438

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/31/2015 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Received call from communication that T.F.D. on site with a electrical fire. Arrived and the unit was still on site and has an electrical J-box that has a short on the interior of the conduit that is PVC. The box has some buring on the cover plate and on the metal box and showing on the drywall. The interior electrical panels for the building have been turned off and still has power going to the box and shorting out in the interior of the box. Are checking other boxes with turning off and still has power. The sound is getting worse and did have the main turn off at the disconnect and all the buildings have no power. A lock out was done on the main switch gear until the contractor shows on site. The maintenance supervisor did call several electrical contractors to check who calls or shows up. JMAC contractor did show and started to work on the finding of the electrical short. He was hired and had help showed to assist. The power was restored to the buildings and has been isolated to the parking lights for the parking lot. All the mechanics shop, auto body and the sales areas all have power at this time. All the parking lights are still off and the sound does not exist any more and everything is working in the other buildings. The building where the J-box is located now has all the power turned back on the no sound in the box of shorting out. The lock out has been removed from the main breaker to the switch gear for the parking light. The contractor or the manager on site will be calling if the wiring can be removed or found where the shorts exist. I will be leaving the site until called. RV.