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Case: T15DV05002

Parcel: 135022520



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T15DV05002

Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/24/2015 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Property has been abated. Case Closed.
08/17/2015 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Did a drive by first thing this morning around 7:30 to see if anything was going on that looked like a home occupation but did not see anything; property still the same as last time.
08/16/2015 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Did a drive by to see if anything was going on that looked like a home occupation but did not see anything property still the same as last time.
08/15/2015 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Went by the property did not see anything that looked like a home occupations going on did see a truck with tools in the back but it did not look like they were used on site. The property still has storage in the front and back.
08/10/2015 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Property is still the same did not see anything that would make me think that a body shop is being operated on the property. Their could be wrought iron work being done from the look of the iron that was in the trailer today and not there on Friday. Will keep checking.
08/07/2015 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Can not see anything that looks like a Home Occ.