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Case: T15DV04236

Parcel: 11446907C


Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T15DV04236

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/11/2015 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Found the remnants of what appears to be an urban campsite. Unsure whether it is still occupied or not as there were no persons there of signs of recent activity. There was a small 2 person tent with a blue tarpoline drapped over it for extended coverage. There were several plastic crates with miscellaneous debris in them. There were two large padded chairs, interior furniture, and one canvas folding chair present. I attempted to roust out anyone who may be inside the tent by calling out and tossing a few rocks upon the tarpoline covering however nobody emerged from the tent. This is consistant with the report from TPD Officer McMullen who was at the site earlier today. There were 4 shopping carts in the area closer to the business plaza. 2 belonged to the Safeway and 2 were from Big Lots. Will make phone contact with the HOA management company and advise the need for clean up and removal of the refuse and debris as well as send a paper NOV.