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Permit: T15CM08925

Parcel: 140420740



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Permit Number - T15CM08925

Inspection Description - FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/08/2016 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Approved
04/14/2016 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Called Kazal to tell them that the GC called in a fire final, but they had not called in their permit. Per Amber from Kazal, she overheard Paul tell Jack ( the GC from Kittel) that they would not call in their permit because it was not ready for a fire sprinkler final inspection.
I called Jack and told him that calling in permits for inspection when a job is not ready will result in an additional inspection charge. I did not go out since the job is not ready.