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Permit: T15CM04643

Parcel: 11714093A


383 S STONE AV 02

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FRAMING

Permit Number - T15CM04643

Inspection Description - FRAMING

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/29/2016 FRAMING Approved IVRS - Inspection :*
09/20/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
09/20/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval 301,302,303,314 framing int. ok
09/16/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
09/14/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
09/14/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval elec., plmg., framing in walls-308,306,310,305,309,307
09/07/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
09/07/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval 205,211,204,212,203,213,202,201 ok to insulate
09/02/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
08/31/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
08/31/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval 1st floor computer room, east lounge, rms 109, 115, 116, 102, 110 ok to insulate
08/29/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
08/29/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval rms 106,105,114,103,104 ok to insulate
08/26/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
08/26/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval rms 110,107,112,108, 111, ok to insulate
truss calcs ok placement ok
08/18/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
08/18/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval fire cualk at 1st and 2nd floor corridors above cieling envelope ok
08/16/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval deck nailing ok
08/15/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
07/26/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
07/26/2016 FRAMING Partial Approval 2nd floor framing & shear fron washer to shower ok