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Permit: T15CM03299

Parcel: 133243700

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T15CM03299

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/12/2015 FIRE - FINAL Approved PER NSPRENGER INSPECTION ON 10-9-15
10/07/2015 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval 1. Just waiting on the alarm final. No permit has been pulled for the work being done. Sprinkler System must be monitored and there shall be a flow switch installed on the system. System should have smoke, pull, flow and tamper.
09/18/2015 FIRE - FINAL Not ready for Inspection general meant to ask for a courtesy inspection and didn't know how to do so, so he called in a fire final.
1. Need alarm permit.
Old sprinkler system that needs to be monitored. Currently has old bell and retard chamber, no flow switch, and is locked out with a chain on the valve ( no tamper switch).
2. Need fire sprinkler permit.
Has uprights exposed to pendants because no drop ceiling is in place at the moment. 1 upright within 1/2 inch of duct work (below decking and over newly built interior walls).