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Permit: T15BU01212

Parcel: 133243690



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Permit Number - T15BU01212

Inspection Description - FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
07/02/2016 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Approved
06/03/2016 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Partial Approval 1) Must pay revision fee
2) New plan to drop a few more pendants
must see as builds once done.
11/13/2015 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Partial Approval may not place merchandise in phase 1 area until all ceiling tiles have been put in place ( unless 24 hour fire watch is provided until all ceiling tiles have been placed).
NS - 11/13/15