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Permit: T15BU00639

Parcel: 130144550


4426 E 22ND ST

Inspection Status: Partial Approval

Inspection History: FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Permit Number - T15BU00639

Inspection Description - FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Inspection Status - Partial Approval

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/13/2015 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Partial Approval just waiting on sprinkler head to be placed in the elevator shaft ( below)
10/06/2015 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Partial Approval
10/06/2015 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Partial Approval Passed - 2 inch main drain passed. About 5 psi. started at 75 and dropped to 68 to 70 psi ( fluctuating).
Passed - Flow switch for Service Riser - passed at 32 seconds
Flow switch for Main, Offices - passed at 36 seconds - reported alarm status

Still need:
Tampers reporting incorrectly as trouble signals at Central Alarm.
1. Missing a head at the bottom of the elevator shaft
2. painted head - in auto shop
3. 5 taped heads in parts/1st floor
4. place cages over tire carousel heads ( 4)
5. place spare box with 12 xtra heads