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Permit: T14OT01599

Parcel: 12601003C



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW

Permit Number - T14OT01599

Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/09/2015 SIGN SITE REVIEW Approved
01/22/2015 SIGN SITE REVIEW Correction Required To be approved the drawing must be resubmitted with the following revisions.
1. Sign Drawing
a. Cabinet must contain a (minimum of two) independent tenant panels separated by a metal divider bar.
b. the largest panel may not exceed 30.9 sq ft in area (retainers included in the sq ft)
c. One panels copy must say " Metro Self Storage"
d. The 2nd panels copy has 3 options 1. Left blank 2. Say "Metro" (to identify the shopping center) 3. Identify another tenant.
2. Site plan
Use an aerial photo (with scale indicated) showing the following overlays to scale.
a. property lines,
b. street frontage,
c. sight visibility triangles,
d. future right of ways,
e. setback of new sign from FOC
f. relationships of signs to ingress and egress points.
g. Removal of existing non-conf sign.
01/09/2015 SIGN SITE REVIEW Denied Even if the existing Non Conforming F/S (article 8 reduction) sign is removed from the NW corner of property, MIDWAY SELF STORAGE can not have its own sign as it is not a stand alone single premise.