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Permit: T14OT01501

Parcel: 132191240

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW

Permit Number - T14OT01501

Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/08/2014 SIGN SITE REVIEW Correction Required Revisions required on the "construction drawing side sections"
One page only.
ADD the following information to the "construction drawing side sections"
1. How many amps?
2. Show the "Disconnect switch" on the detail illustration
3. Cut and paste the following call out "Disconnect switch as per NEC 600".
4.Cut and paste the following call out
"7 DAY PROGRAMMABLE TIMER installed to comply with the COT outdoor lighting code."
Make sure all this information is used
or any illuminated sign in the City of Tucson.
EMAIL the revision of the "construction drawing" only
TO brian.wiese@tucsonaz.gov