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Permit: T14OT01500

Parcel: 11008305F


2485 N SWAN RD #101

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: SIGN SITE REVIEW

Permit Number - T14OT01500

Inspection Description - SIGN SITE REVIEW

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/03/2014 SIGN SITE REVIEW Correction Required Please revise the submitted drawings.
(A,) add the following information to page 8
for BOTH the letterset and the tagline cabinet
1.show disconnect switch
2.provide a call out for disconnect switch per NEC code.
3.LIST amps, volts & how many circuits
(per elevation East & South)
4.Provide better callouts of attachment hardware (types of screws, size, length, number used)
(B,) add the following information to page 9 for the round logo
1. show disconnect switch
2. provide a call out for disconnect switch per NEC code.
3. LIST amps, volts & how many circuits
4. Provide better callouts of attachment hardware (types of screws, size, length, number used)
Email revised drawings to