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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T14DV08443
Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
10/13/2014 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | The property has a house in front of the property with a unit in the rear of the house detached. Behind the second unit has RV's, campers, trailers being parked in the rear of the property and being lived in. The units in the rear of the property have no electrical in the area and are getting power from extersion cords from the house and the second unit on the property. Did meet with the people in the trailers and RV's and they will be moving off the property. Did go over with the owner and the tenants that if the trailers and the RV's want to stay on the property will need to meet with zoning at Planning and Development Services Department to have plans approved and showing where they will be located and have power to the areas and not on extension cords. Did the posting of "Do Not Enter" and the owner of the property signed the paper work of Notice to vacated the trailers and RV's, Notice of Violation on non permitted trailers and RV's being parked in the rear of the property and being lived in. All the extension cords were removed while on the property and the tenants will be moving their items out and the trailers and RV's will be moved off the property. Did find where power was feeding a building next door and that was removed due to not the same owner. The wiring was removed at the junction box at the rear of the main house and cut at the ground level going to the building next door. Had security bars removed from a bedroom window due to not able to be opened to escape and was the only window. Had some cover plates installed on the main house were missing on junction boxes where electrical has been added to the rear porch. Did discuss that the tenants can not being in the trailer and RV's after dark and the owner will be locking the gate. Once the N.O.V.'s signed, left the property and the owner was still making correction on the property. Will check in 10 days. RV. | |
10/09/2014 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | Found and RV,2 travel trailers, cover cab camper, and a pop up camper under porch , several extension cords , found no body in the trailers . Spoke to tenants of the main house, stated that owner was out of town, advised the that I would return. MM |