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Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T13DV07640

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/12/2013 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Communication called and T.P.D. on site with a car thru-building. Arrived and the vehicle left the site. The vehicle hit a window Alum. frame and bent 2-section and breaking the glass. This structure was an office building and hit the lunch room. The impact pushed a metal stud wall and one section has the main electrical panels to the office area. There is no damage to the electrical system and was able to leave the power on. The other wall was pushed and the drywall was broken and exposed an outlet with no damage and still working. That section will have to be re-frammed due to the metal studs are bent. Will need a permit if the drywall is removed to check the electrical or to push the wall back into place where the electrical panel are located. The window wall is approx. 16' x 9' with have the glass brokened. The drywall damage is approx. 12' x 9'. The management had a company do the board up and was cleaning the area when leaving the property. The doctor on staff did sign all the paper work and will check on who will make the repairs. T.P.D. is looking for the person who hit the structure and they have pictures of the vehicle leaving the property. Will check in 45 days. RV.