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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T13DV04758
Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
07/05/2013 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | Approved | Received a call from communication that T.F.D. on site with a car through building. Arrived and the vehicles has taken off and has not been located. The vehicle hit the front door entrance, the front window a 8050 with 6-fixed panels and the block support for the lintel for the door and the window. The masonry has cracks above the opening made and around the corner on the north side. The building is commercial and does cabinet, counter tops and granite for tops and walls. No one has been able to locate the owners from the buisness and called Bathcrest due to the lintels are free at this time and need supports or the other part of the wall could collapsed without the support. Bathcrest installed a 4 x 4 on the lintels where the meet and installed 4-sheets of plywood to cover the opening. While doing the board up the officer received a call that the owners have been notified and were on their way to the property. By the time the owners arrived to the property the opening had been secured and posted. The owners were able to find a key to open the back door and they were able to see the damage. The light switch that was on the block support was not working and they were going to check if the breaker popped. The owner did sign the paperwork and left the site. Will check in 30 days. RV. |