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Case: T13DV00194

Parcel: 13104405A


4931 E 29TH ST

Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T13DV00194

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/17/2012 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Phillip called that T.F.D. on site with a building fire and requesting an inspector. Arrived and the fire was still out of control and fire was being fought from the exterior of the property. Had 3-ladder trucks spraying water on the roof and on the ground through any openings found. Met with T.E.P. and has 3-Phase power to the gutter and all the disconnect to the area have been locked out with T.E.P. lock and will be requesting a re-connect permit to have the power re-stored. The units that are involved in the fire are 4929, 4931, 4933 where the fire started and 4935. The roof has collapased or burned badly where the T.I.J.I trusses can fall. The interior have metal studs walls and some wood frame walls that are falling or leaning through out. These units are going to be total lost and will need to be demo'ed and permits for all work done to the areas. The management gave permission to have the property secured once the clearance given. Met with the command post and there will be a fire watch unil Approx 1:00 AM and will be called back tot the property to have the units secured. Had the management signed some paper work so they could leave the property and will not have to return for the securing of the property. RV.