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Case: T12DV11337

Parcel: 117100370


101 W 6TH ST

Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T12DV11337

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/30/2012 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Received call from communication that T.F.D. on site with a warehouse fire and went into second alarm. Arrived and the units were getting the smoke out of the building and the investigators were looking for a cause. The building is being remodeled and the City of Tucson is part of the remodel. The building is vacant and the roof has just been replaced. The fire was on the northeast corner of the building burning the wood deck of 4 X 6 T&G. The wood beam has charring on the top portion of a 12 X 12 R/S. The fire has all been cut and fell to the lower ground level. The sprinkler did activate putting the fire out and the fire crews checked for hot spots. The management did show and was working with the fire department on issues on the sprinkler system on how it's working at this time. One of the F.D.C. was not able to use due to it started to leak and the water was comming out of the concrete sidewalk. The bottom of the ground level did have water and was not sure how it received that much. Did have the management signed the Indemnification due to they were going to secure the building once the investigator was completed. Gave a city lock to lock one of the openings where the lock was cut to gain entry. Did no paper work due to the City of Tucson is involved with the building and the management is still working on the rehab for an art center. Gave caution tape to block the area and advised that no public use are allowed in that area and should be kept blocked until the repairs have been completed. Will check in 30 days. RV.