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Case: T12DV11012

Parcel: 136244500

Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T12DV11012

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/09/2012 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Received a call from communication that T.F.D. on site with a restuarant fire. Arrived and the units have gone defensive mood and water was still being used. The flames kept coming back up and overhaul has not been done. Met with the investigators and let them know that I was going home and will come back once they were done and called back to the site. RV.
12/09/2012 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Received a call to go back to the site that they are done. Arrived and met with the investigators and the owner was on the property. Looked at the damage and took pictures. Went over on securing the property and the owner gave permission to secure the 2-doors on the east and west side of the building. The door on the south side will be secured by the owner. The door on the east side was made to open with the key that the owner has. Only plywood was used to cover the glass opening using screws. The other door was covered with plywood on the masonry wall due to the wood on the door was brokened and not able to nail to. Did posting of "Do Not Enter" on the 2-doors that were cover with plywood and took pictures of the postings. The owner signed all the paperwork of Notice to Vacate and the Notice of Violation. Did go over that a permit will be required for all the repairs and to get the electrical and gas back on due to were pinned or the meter was pulled. The damage was to the roof trusses on the southwest corner of the building. The fire got into the attic of the trusses and burned all the wiring in that area. The main panel for the electrical was in the area of the main fire and will need to be checked for heat damage. The trusses are burned in the kitchen area and will need to be replaced. There is smoke damage where the trusses cared an opening all around the building. Pemits will be required for the framing repairs, electrical, mechanical checked or repaired including the flex ductwork, plumbing with the gas line checked for heat damage, drywall and reconnect for gas and electrical to be turned back on. This case will be given to the area inspector Rick Mendoza. Will check in 60 days. RV.